Destiny 2: CrossSplay starts with Season 15 - Bungie calls details

Already a few months ago, Bungie's leaders announced that the online multiplayer shooter "Destiny 2" gives a crosplay support.

As the US studio announced at the end of the week, the CrossSplay feature with the 15th season will hold in "Destiny 2" and make it players on the PC, the PlayStation systems, the Xbox platforms and stadia, together to move into the adventure. So that you can keep the name of your lighters, the new "bungie names" are introduced in parallel with the CrossSplay feature, with which your guardians are identified across platform.

Further details on crossSplay support

According to their own statements, the developers of bungie was therefore to prevent their name from changing or the name of your guardians when you log in to another platform. The same applies to your friends. According to Bungie, the general gaming experience had suffered the general gaming experience in multiplayer under changed guardians.

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For this reason, the "bungie names" were designed to which it says: "Therefore, we will convert all names to an identity that will be the same on all platforms on which you play. We call the bungie name. This will change your name once a time, but we believe that this is better for all in the long term. "

How to look for the bungie names :

  • "Bungie-Name": Spielername # 1234
  • "Display Name": Spielername
  • "Rhombus": #
  • "ID": 1234

Further details about the CrossSplay feature of "Destiny 2" can be found on the official website .

Further messages to Destiny 2.

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