The Witcher: Nightmare of the Wolf finally explains how Kaer Mornen underging

The Witcher Anime Nightmare of the Wolf has been ready for streaming since the day before yesterday and many fans celebrate the movie. Anyone who is generally interested in the franchise, is likely to be glad that some questions are answered in detail here, to which there were so far only hints in the books. Not only is the history of Geraltts Mentor Vesemir told, but also why the witcher fortress Kaer Mornen is no longer what she was once and how it came to her downfall.

The Witcher Anime on Netflix solves great puzzle, the fans has been busy for a long time

Andrzej Sapkowski on What is Kaer Mornen? Kaer Mornen is the old fortress of the witchers and at the same time the location of the Witcher Wolfschule. It is located in the mountains of Kaedwen and fans, you should know mainly from The Witcher 3. The game starts in Kaer Mornen. However, the fortress has already lost much of its original shine.

That's why it's time: The witches are already more or less due to Andrzej Sapkowski novels from Andrzej Sapkowski, which are called either Geralt saga or witcher saga. Only a few witches are still alive and they do not enjoy a particularly good reputation, the fortress is mainly inhabited by Vesemir.

As it came, although it is known in the gross, but it has never been described in detail. Neither in the books nor in the Witcher games. But just this knowledge gap fills the new Netflix anime The Witcher: Nightmare of the Wolf, who tells the history and origin story of Vesemir.

Attention, follow spoilers!

Attack on the fortress: In contrast to the mentions in the books in the Netflix anime, it is shown exactly how it came to the storm on Kaa Mornen and how Vesemir could survive. At the same time we also see how most other witches died and how the wolf's school was almost completely destroyed.

Tetra spreads the customer and Vesemir confirms that the witchers themselves create the monsters against which they then drag for the bare coin into the field. The whole ensures that a furious mob moves to the fortress, warns in front of the lady zerbst Vesemir. He calls all the witchers together and it comes first to a master.

However, it does not stay and Tetra opens a portal into the swamps to call a lot of monsters on the plan. This ensures great chaos, which gradually is subject to the witches. They are the race of monsters together with the MOB eventually no longer grown and ultimately comes to the fight between Vesemir, Kitsu and Tetra.

Tetra dies before you can catch Vesemir, though kitsu gives everything with his magic. Deglan has done Tetra with an ax and stays back, while Vesemir and Lady let the fortress be left behind. From a distance you still see how the witcher fortress Kaa Mornen is in flames.

Do you have the Witcher: Nightmare of the Wolf already seen? Has the prehistory fulfilled your expectations?
