What is this, and how to get free fractions today

Cosmetic, especially bundle, are a big attraction for free fire player, try to get your hands as much as possible. Typically, users receive them for beauty purposes because their actual gameplay does not have any effect.

Developers present new bundles and bring back the old regularly. They are usually added as part of the events such as Luck Royal or in the shop. Gamer can also exchange Magic Cubes to get a special bundle.

What is the Magic Cube Friend in Free Fire?

Players require 100 magic cube fragments to convert to the Magic Cube. These are quite a rare objects and often there are some events or awards in Royal.

Longplay of Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (1/3) Users can follow these steps to exchange pieces for cube:

Step 1: First of all, it will have to open the store and go to Redeem section.

Step 2: After this, Gamers will have to select a cube frampan and will have to clamp the exchange button to get the cube.

How to get free cube pieces in Free Fire?

Today the fourth anniversary of the free fire is the extreme day of the ceremony, and players will get a piece of cube by playing games for a set time. The right time and awards are:

  • 5x cube pieces - play 10 minutes
  • 5x cube pieces - play 30 minutes
  • 10x cube pieces - play 50 minutes
  • 10x Cube Pieces - Play 70 Minutes
  • 20x cube pieces - play 100 minutes

This allows users to get a total of 50 pieces free from this event.

They can follow these steps to claim the awards after playing for the outlined deadline.

Step 1: The player can open the section of the event by tapping on the calendar icon.

Step 2: After this, click the Fourth Anniversary tab and select the free cube fragment section.

Step 3: Tap the claim button near the awards to obtain them.

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