This looks like the OLED switch screen compared to that of the original model

YouTubers are people primarily recognized for their service the video-sharing internet site YouTube throughout different notable channels. The following is a checklist of YouTubers with Wikipedia write-ups. It leaves out people that in spite of having a YouTube existence are not mostly recognized for their service that platform.

As it usually happens with each console release, there are some youtubers that already have the new Nintendo Switch OLED between your hands. After Hikakintv made the first unboxing last week, another video of the channel Nintendo Prime has already left, where we can see how the screen of this new model is compared with that of the original.

As you could see, the screen OLED is much larger and brilliant than the original. We knew that this screen would be .8 inches longest, but the difference is extremely noticeable when you have both models side by side. Other remarkable changes include the rear paw that is now much more stable, a change of location in the microSD slot, and of course, the Dock.

Nintendo Switch Oled will come to stores the next October 8 , but sadly, we still do not have an exact release date for Mexico . Since the console was revealed several months ago, Nintendo confirmed that we would have to wait a little more to acquire it here in our region.

Hands-on with the new OLED Nintendo Switch Via: Nintendo Life
