Why Mario Kart Tour continues-T

Tour of Mario Kart is a good start. The players like the mario kart feel at the game, the constant challenges they have to overcome to unlock and the number of courses in the game and those who arrive. However, although it s a popular mobile title, some players still meet crash problems. If you always encounter problems with the game and that it is constantly crushing you, you have some options at your disposal to improve things.

Why does Mario Kart Tour continue to plant?

The biggest problem that some players may meet is not to have a pretty powerful phone. Play Mario Kart Tour, Nintendo recommends using these types of smartphones to play game:

An iPhone 6S or higher A 7th generation or superior iPad A 5th generation iPad, air 2, mini 4 or more recent Any iOS device under iOS 10.0 or higher and an Android compatible OS 4.4 or higher

Unfortunately, the Nintendo website does not enumerate a specific amount of Android as they did for Apple products. However, if you purchased your phone over the last three or four years, the installed 4.4 operating system should be sufficient.

If you use one of the above devices or operating system on your smartphone and you still have troubleshoots, it can come from your Internet connection. To make sure you optimize the connection, turn off your phone and reconnect. You can also go home and manually restart your internet connection. This could have something to do with your provider.

Another reason why so many players know these problems is that the game is brand new. Tour of Mario Kart published early Wednesday morning, and many people jumped on the occasion to participate in the pleasure of the race. Unfortunately, Nintendo servers may not be able to support as many connections at a time. The development team behind the title worked hard to integrate patches to the game to support the title servers, but they may not have solved the problem. They will take them a few weeks for everything to be under control.

The alternative reason is that the game knows several different errors. Number 805-9056, error 805-9314 and 806-7250 are some of the few players encountered on the first day. Some players still have problems with those, among others.

For all players who still encounter these problems, an alternative that you can explore is to uninstall the game and reinstall it. For some reason, your phone may have missed a critical update of the game or a hotfix has not made its way during the first use. Resettlement Tour of Mario Kart can give you all the files you lacked and help you more.

Nintendo works hard to make sure of Mario Kart continues to perform well. They will offer additional support for title and login updates in the coming weeks.
