What are the rewards of Osiris Trials this week in Destiny 2? - March 27

Every week, Saint-14 opens the doors of the Osiris trails, inviting Destiny 2 players to test their skills against each other in PVP.

The rules of the trials are simple. You want to try to make you impeccable, amass seven victories in a row, without losses, in order to take a trip to the lighthouse and win some of this nice booty.

You can also recover booty without going to the lighthouse because every week, a defined number of victories will give you specific objects.


The map of this week is Court of Widow.


3 victories - Tomorrow s Answer Rocket Launcher 5 wins - exile gauntlets, exile gloves, exile handles (according to class) 7 Victories - Sniper Eye of Sol Flawless - Mark of the Exile, Cape of the Exile, Bond of the Exile (depends on the class)

Destiny 2 - Trials of Osiris Map & Rewards This Weekend 29th October 2021 | Trials Loot This Week When do the tests begin?

The tests will begin each weekend on Friday at 10 am HNP, 13 h est.

How to participate in the tests

To participate in Trials, you will need at least 960 Power and you will need to get a Trails of Osiris map. You can buy them in Saint-14 in the Hangar of the Tower. He will also sell bonuses and test passages, which as special items that will forgive losses in certain situations.

You can also give test tokens to Saint-14 in exchange for special trail gear.

Once you have your card and your team, you can start tests from the crucible menu in the director.

Test passages

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Mercy pass - forgive a loss. Ferocity Passage - Your third victory will have two victories, as long as you have no loss. TRUST PASSAGE - GRAND A REFERENCE OF THE FAULT WELL BONUS Wealth Passage unlocks five wins - Earn additional test tokens by closing and earning test games. Passage of wisdom - gives the XP bonus during the victories of the tests according to the number of victories on your ticket, only triggers after seven wins.
