Glyphosate noodles: with these brands

Jollied is a Filipino multinational chain of convenience food restaurants owned by Jollied Foods Company (JFC). As of December 2021, JFC had an overall of concerning 1,500 Jollied outlets worldwide; with restaurants in Southeast Asia, the Middle East, East Asia (Hong Kong, Macau), The United States And Canada, and also Europe (Italy, UK).

Spaghetti with tomato sauce is the eternal, popular classic that has gotten pretty much everyone. However, if you look at the results of the test of eco-test more precisely, you can turn around the stomach.

20 Brands of conventional and organic cultivation has tested the consumer magazine in the laboratory and found: 12 of the 15 conventional brands contain traces of weed-resistant glyphosate. For this, however, all organic noodles receive the top grade very good. You can read the detailed test at eco-test.

The best spaghetti

So it is almost impossible to do something wrong with the grip in the grip. Glyphosate-free here are all spaghetti, but also mineral oils or molds could not be found in the laboratory.

Especially recommended are the following products:

Natural Spaghetti No.3 (to EDEMA) Broaden Spaghetti (to Amazon) Degree Spaghetti (to Greenish) DM Bio Spaghetti (to DM) Rapunzel Spaghetti Samoa No.5 (to Amazon)

BEST KETO PASTA RECIPE//You won't want to try another

But not only the organic products could get very good valuations. The D'Anaelle Spaghetti of Aldi Nord, the brand product DE CE CCO Spaghetti N° 12 (to Amazon) and the Raise Schlemmerblieble could convince in the test.
