The Shaw Tree Spree Challenge puts players with the challenge of planting trees for Earth Day

On the day of the earth approach, but how are you supposed to celebrate when we are all supposed to stay inside? The pandemic means that the large gatherings outside are disapproved, even squarely prohibited, and this means that it is difficult to participate in great tree planting efforts. Although be honest, most of us, players, just gave money safely. Our own houses anyway. Anyway, Shaw chose the ideal time to unveil a new Earth Day initiative: the Tree Spree Challenge. All you have to do is plant a tree in a game of your choice, capture it and publish the photo on social networks with #Shawtrespree, and the giant of the internet will associate it with a real tree.

Gamers, it's our moment! If you have always wanted to give back to the planet, prove that you are better to plant trees than anyone, or just an excuse to decorate your Animal Crossing island, the houses of Minecraft or the Stardew Valley farms, do it. Inland Twitter with the evidence. Let's bet as many trees as possible. The last time, the challenge ended with a total of 4,000 trees, but we think you can leave this number in the dust.

The appeal to the action of the event indicates that: _ "People can publish a screenshot of their tree in the game on social networks using the hashtag #shawtrespree, and Shaw also plant a tree in the Real life for them. The initiative will continue until the end of the Earth (April 30) and is open to all games where you can plant a tree. "_

In how many games can you plant trees, we ask ourselves? It's now the perfect time to find out.

The Shaw Tree Spree Challenge will take place on April 22 (Earth Day) as of April 30, 2021.

Shaw | Tree Spree How many trees have you planted? Let us know in the comments or contact us Twitter or Facebook.
