Cyberpunk 2077 in front of Edgerunners: two drops of water moving Night City

Cyberpunk: Edge runners allows us to deepen a new story by Night City part of the collaboration between Studio Trigger, CD Project Red and Netflix. The anime drinks directly from Cyberpunk 2077 , something that demonstrates from the first chapter moving some photographs of the city remembered by the players.

Cyberpunk: CyCU1, a usual YouTube user of this type of comparison, h put the video game in front of the anime during its first 24 minutes. The truth is that the result speaks on its own: The Japanese have adapted the Cyberpunk 2077 stage with the maximum possible fidelity . You can see the result under this link.

The building Alka , the main highway, the hospital, the doctor's store, the floor of V... the references are varied and faithful to the work that adapts Cyberpunk: Edge runners. You can now find the ten episodes of the first seon with your subscription to Netflix.

Cyberpunk: Edge runners, another look at Night City

Studio Trigger's anime puts the focus on David, a street kid that feels out of his study center, the Alka Academy. The series tells the story of a boy who welcomes the streets of a futuristic city obsessed with technology and body modification. With everything against him, he manages to survive becoming an Edge runner, a proscribed mercenary also known Cyberpunk, says the producer in her official description.

The ct of voices in its original version is formed by Keen David, AOI Yuzuki Lucy, Pirogi Touch Maine, Michael Kaiden Doris, Bamako Honda Kiwi, Water Sakai Polar, Tokyo Kurosawa Rebecca, Kazuhiko Income Faraday, YubiKey Hind Gloria and Kenji Sudan Ripper doc. Hirobumi Impish, responsible for Kill La Kill, among other projects, is responsible for the anime address, with the sistance of Maryk Osaka and the creative director Hiram Kobayhi.
