How to get ... marker in Find the Markers - Roblox

Although finding markers may seem just another experience in the style of hunting for garbage, in fact it offers a rather complex map with more than a few complex secrets that need to be found. With his small February 2022 Find the Markers update added five more markers to detect players, including the one that we will consider in this brief leadership, ... marker .

in search of... marker in Find the Markers

After appearing in Find The Markers, go to the forest area and find the factory shown below.

Enter the factory and enter the assembly hall. Inside this room there should be a brown box-jump into this box to get into the basement of the factory.

Once in the basement, go ahead and touch the rockets in the corner of the room-this will transfer you to Mars.

On Mars, look for a wooden sign in the shape of an arrow depicted below. You can find this sign to the right of the experimental laboratory.

Follow where the arrow points and jump from the edge of the planet-trust us! You must land in the solar system depicted below.

Once inside the solar system, find a rotating purple figure with the inscription ??? and click e teleport to it.

Once on this planet, enter a room circled by a purple rectangle.

Inside this room is a dark labyrinth that can easily get confused if you do not know where you are going. To help you navigate this maze, we took pictures below, which show the exact path that you need to go to find ... marker. To help you better see the path, we even increased the brightness of these images, although, unfortunately, this is far from so bright inside the maze!

Passing through a transparent entrance, turn left and go straight until you abundant the wall. Turn right by this wall.

Continue to go forward and follow the straight path that is on the right.

When you reach the next left bend, take it, but then turn your Roboboxian so that you look forward again. From here go ahead and around the corner in front of you.

Turning to this corner, do not pay attention to the turn on the right and continue to move straight.

Go through the turn that will appear on the left of you, and follow the angle that is in front of you.

Again, ignore the turn that appears to the left of you, and continue moving forward around the corner.

Continue to go straight, not paying attention to the turn on the left, and then turn right until the end of the corridor. After this turn, turn left right away.

You are almost at the goal! Follow the way in front of you until you reach the point depicted below. From here, just turn right and follow the corner.

When you turn around this corner and begin to go forward, your character should step on a transparent hatch and fall into the hidden room below.

How Inside this room is ... marker!

Just go and tap it to get this mysterious marker and add it to your MarkerDex. After that, you should get an icon and a pop-up window depicted below!

Looking for more content Find the Marker? Check out our guidelines on how to get Dark Markery at Roblox, find markers or how to get a Rainbow Road marker in Roblox, find markers here in the game manual!
